Sunday, December 4, 2011

Winter Wonder Storm!

This weekend Dennis and I had Kaja and Marius with us to my cabin in Son. It's been storming here for days and the water is extremely high. We couldn't walk along the beach without being hit by the huge waves or almost being blown into the water by the strong winds. 

 If it hadn't been for Gus we would have stayed inside all weekend but the little guy has so much energy so we have been walking a lot in the woods.

Can you please stop taking pictures and just throw that stick? Please!?

The water was almost 2 meters higher than normal

The dark skies and rough sea made the mood very special on Sunday when the sun came for a visit.

 Gus was really happy that he could finally play at the beach for a little while

 Until we found refuge in the forest on our way back.