Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter wonders

By the river in the forest is a magical winter land

where the frost and snow long ago covered the sand

A girl and her dog defied the ice and snow

to discover this land hidden not too long ago

the water and cold worked together as a team

to make their own ornaments for the Christmas dream

Not did they know that their secret would soon be found

Nor did they expect their secret would be sound.

The girl and her dog did not touch nor take

the ornaments that nature struggled to make

She got her proof and her memories too

and she posts them her to share with you. 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Apple Tree Sunrise

August hasn't been feeling too good these past couple of days and when I visited the boys yesterday he had taken a turn for the worst. It was time to bring the boys home. August got a nice clean and warm bed, a thick woolly rug on his back and a visit from the vet and about half an hour and a huge shot of antibiotics later he was getting a lot better. 

This morning I was back in the stables hours before the sun came up and I spent they day there with Gus, August and the other horses. Just cleaning out their stalls, carrying water buckets and everything else you have to do to take care of a horse. It feels just so good to have my boys back where they belong. 

I was able to take some atmospheric pictures during the sunrise, Hope you enjoy :) 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Last night while I was at work the snow came for the first time this year. By the time i got off (about 11.15 pm) it had snowed a lot and I was ecstatic! I love the snow and to me it is one of the most beautiful things in the world! Everyone keep telling me that it would be gone by the next morning so when I came home I got my camera out and took some pictures, just to prove that it had really snowed. The pictures are taken at about 11.30-12 pm so they are a bit blurry, but you sure can see the snow! :D 

When I woke up this morning I was excited to see if the rain had come or if the snow was still there and luckily it was. So I put Gus in the car and drove out to the horses and spent the day there. Enjoy the pictures of my beloved snow.

P.S. I'm pretty sure the horses love the snow too!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Winter Wonder Storm!

This weekend Dennis and I had Kaja and Marius with us to my cabin in Son. It's been storming here for days and the water is extremely high. We couldn't walk along the beach without being hit by the huge waves or almost being blown into the water by the strong winds. 

 If it hadn't been for Gus we would have stayed inside all weekend but the little guy has so much energy so we have been walking a lot in the woods.

Can you please stop taking pictures and just throw that stick? Please!?

The water was almost 2 meters higher than normal

The dark skies and rough sea made the mood very special on Sunday when the sun came for a visit.

 Gus was really happy that he could finally play at the beach for a little while

 Until we found refuge in the forest on our way back.